
Carl Demrow for State Rep

My name is Carl Demrow and I’m running for re-electionto the Vermont House of Representatives from the Orange-1 district towns of Corinth, Orange, Vershire, and Washington.. With your support, I’ll keep fighting to improve our eduction system for students and make it more affordable and understandable for taxpayers. I will fight to expand access to housing, improve our workforce, support families, and strengthen our rural economy to make Vermont affordable for this generation, and the next.

Like so many Vermonters, varied experiences have shaped me and reflect my love for the place where I live. I care deeply about the people in our community and the natural environment. I have been a teacher, carpenter, farm hand, volunteer firefighter, and conservationist. I’m a Corinth Selectboard member and also serve on the boards of Northeast Slopes, the Clara Martin Center, and the Blake Memorial Library. I co-founded and chaired the Orange County Headwaters Project, which worked successfully to conserve over 5,000 acres of land in Washington and Corinth, the towns I have called home for 21 years.

I proudly represented our community in Montpelier from 2019 to 2020, and again since 2023. Throughout the coming months, I will be campaigning for the opportunity to keep working hard on your behalf, and continue bringing home meaningful results. Please let me know if you have a particular issue that you are interested in.  I look forward to hearing from you!

You can also visit my Vermont General Assembly Page to see bills and resolutions I’ve sponsored and my voting record here: Vermont General Assembly



Our commitment to public education requires a finance system that is understandable, affordable, and fair to our rural communities. Our children and taxpayers deserve it.


We must continue to work to eliminate the twin barriers of affordability and availability. Housing access supports our communities, families, and businesses.


Enacting policies that support strong families like an expansion of the earned income tax credit will strengthen our community.

Contact Carl

I would love to hear about your vision for our district and how I may help steer us in the right direction. Please contact me at demrowforvthouse@gmail.com or write us at: PO Box 531, Corinth, VT 05039.

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VOTE on or before November 5th!
Click HERE for VT Voter Info

“Do you think reaching out to your  legislator won’t help? They don’t really care or we don’t matter?  Well, if it’s Mr. Demrow, I can tell you firsthand it will help and the residents of his county and the state of Vermont matter to him. He helped resolve an issue by navigating the bureaucracy of state government and even across states to help me obtain tax money that was rightfully mine. He even followed up with me and forged ahead until we successfully got the matter resolved together. All along, he was the one spearheading the whole thing. Carl Demrow cares about his fellow Vermonters.

– Sheila Quero, Orange

Paid for by Demrow for Vermont House – Linda Weiss, Treasurer
PO Box 531 | Corinth, VT 05039